Tuesday, December 13, 2016

i'm going to jupiter!

We had transfer calls last night! I am going up to the northern part of the mission to the area of Wellington in the Jupiter zone. It is English and I will be with a Sister on her 3rd transfer. It came as a bit of a shock, but I know that the Lord has a plan for me there in Wellington! This transfer is also weird and will only be 5 weeks, so anyone can make it 5 weeks right? Just follow the Lord, right? I am excited, even though it is an English area. The Lord needs me there, or as President called it "my new special assignment."

On Monday, we were teaching an investigator outside his home and there was a police helicopter that was flying around over us and the spotlight shined on us. Never had that happen before so that was pretty awesome. Apparently they were looking for some people from a recent shooting. I love this area and I am going to miss it!

Also, the Miami South Zone, killed it this transfer and won a mission wide competition! It was awesome. We are all very prideful right now but we worked really hard and it feels great honestly to beat the other 8 zones out here. Our district won an inter-zone competition so we were very prideful about that too because we are the smaller district in the zone.

On Friday night, we went to follow up with a potential and she let us in and then about 2 minutes in we realized she was totally buzzed. It took us about 15 minutes to get out of her house because she just kept talking about all these random things and we couldn't politely end the conversation. But we got out and at one point she was just staring at me for a solid 3 minutes. That's why we don't drink kids. It was also hilarious and we were trying really hard not to laugh in front of her. Poor woman.

I also went on a full day exchange up in la Pequena Havanna this last Wednesday aka Cuba. I hope I get there one day. It was fun and I didn't really have to worry about anything all day because it wasn't my area, but it was really nice to be with Sister Livengood for the day. She also served in Vanderbilt Beach, but for 4 transfers, so we talked about that a lot. I also got to see Sister Rianda, who I lived with when I was in Lauderhill. She goes home on Thursday so it was nice to see her before she leaves.

Our ward Christmas party was so cute! The decorations were crazy. I know that my Savior lives and loves me and that He loves each one of you! Remember that this Christmas season and serve those around you! go to Mormon.org if you need ideas of ways to serve! Watch #LightTheWorld if you haven't already! 

1: This is Tommy. He is awesome, but he stopped progressing. He called us his babies & it was super weird but he's slightly crazy. He took a selfie for us.

2: I lost what are the odds to an elder and had to eat all this sugar from the sour patch kids. It was nasty, but I did it.

3: Our little district won!

4: Miami Southpaw zone

5: This is that pride I was talking about

6: The district coming to you live from the bottom of the mission aka banishment

7: Awkward posing bc the elders are awkward

8: The district and a member named red who hates pictures, but aren't we cute.

9: This truck caught on fire right in front of us. I caught this sick picture escaping the scene

10: Look how cute the little balloon lights are!

11: Sister Oram! She is awesome and was the mastermind behind all this!

12: Hermana Herrera! She is the RS President and she is unreal. Someone marry her please.

13: Addys! She just got back from her mission and she is a real homie. Someone marry her too.

14: The Sant children and Courtney! They got us PJs for Christmas! Mine are batman. I'm really gonna miss these cute kiddos.

15: We love our pajamas! Sister Dimond's are emojis.

16: Our zone leaders slacking off... just kidding. A part member family invited us all over to watch "Meet the Mormons." It's on Netflix, check it out. The last story will make you cry.

17: We went and saw Dorothy last night. She is doing better and starting treatment this week. It's breast cancer that has spread to her liver. It was amazing to be able to say goodbye to her. we also cried like babies I look gross but I'm so happy to see her.

18: Sunset picture! It's been a while.

19: Comps for life. End of story. I'm gonna miss my hija, but she's gonna kill it with her new comp! It's a sister I lived with my 2nd transfer, Sister Hernandez!

Here's the link to #LightTheWorld if you have not seen it.

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